The short screenplay, The Party Surprise, has been named an Official Selection to the Short. Sweet. Film Fest 2023.
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Instant Camera at CIFF 2019
The script for the short film Instant Camera was an official selection of the 2019 Cindependent Film Festival. As part of the festival, the first 20 pages of the script were read at the Screenplay Speakeasy on Saturday, August 31.Watch the INSTANT CAMERA Screenplay...
Instant Camera Script Accepted to CIFF!
7/14/19 is Cindependence Day!
We just found out that the script for INSTANT CAMERA was accepted to the 2019 Cindependent Film Festival!! Pretty much made our day!!
Instant Camera, ready to shoot!
It’s Happening!
The script was reviewed by a few peers and we think it’s pretty solid. We entered it in the Cindependent Film Festival so, fingers crossed!