Watch the film right here on our website!
Instant Camera Outtakes
Oh, the fun of outtakes…
Instant Camera Trivia
There is always something interesting going on behind-the-scenes. Wearing sock to bed?
Instant Camera is Complete!
The short film Instant Camera was completed on December 23rd (2019), in time for the “World Premiere”, which was really just the “friends and family showing” for those involved in the project.
Teaser Trailer for Instant Camera
The short film Instant Camera is well into post-production. The release date is December 23 2019!
Instant Camera Equipment
For our second short film project, we added a bit to our arsenal.
Instant Camera, ready to shoot!
It’s Happening!
The script was reviewed by a few peers and we think it’s pretty solid. We entered it in the Cindependent Film Festival so, fingers crossed!
Instant Camera
As a script, Instant Camera was an official selection at the Cindependent Film Feastival’s 2019 edition and read at the Screenplay Speakeasy. Then we made the film.