Watch Ripe for the Pickin’ (Short Film)
A slightly improved version of our 48 Hour Film Project submission from the 2023 Cincinnati competition.
Thumbnail of the video Ripe for the Pickin'

Now Available to Stream

This is the “Director’s Cut” of the film from our 2023 48 Hour Film Project in Cincinnati.

There are just a few minor edits, fixing things we simply didn’t have time to correct in the original submission’s 48-hour window. It’s also available in the 4K DCI format in which it was originally recorded. Enjoy!


  1. Laurie Helke

    1) When you go ‘black’ in between scenes, it should be for a shorter time period.
    2) Maybe get a closer picture of the new & improved grape
    – Should have won an award!!!

    • Terry

      Thanks. Yes, (1) we could have done more with the transitions and “establishing shots”. That’s one of the things we kew we had overlooked, but didn’t have time to go back and fix. As for (2) the grape, I had the same thought, but we didn’t get a good shot that we could use.

      You’re not alone on the award part. But Adam Keifer had a good point about that (see And the award goes to…).


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